One question:

what are you trying to shift?

feeling puzzled?

grappling with a situation?

want another perspective?

looking for quick, clear, direct guidance that is relevant, inspirational and motivational? 

purchase an ‘ask erin’ recorded session

it’s like a mini, personalized podcast intentionally crafted to boost, expand and stretch your mind as you reach for your next level expansion

how it works…

  1. purchase your session below

  2. fill out the form pop-up with the question or topic (please be detailed and specific!)

  3. erin creates a very personalized, 20 min (max) audio recording

  4. a unique-to-you audio file delivered to your inbox!

you receive…

  • a personalized, mini podcast episode designed to expand your consciousness and support your internal shift

  • practical tools and suggestions from my own personal toolbox, life experience and research relevant to your situation

  • metaphysical musings, spiritual guidance and alternative perspectives designed to help you THINK differently about the circumstances

  • specific-to-you nutrition, circadian biology, quantum health recommendations (as applicable)

  • activations, an energy read and any intuitive hits that drop in

  • no bullshit

  • no promises :)

    …..all wrapped in love from me to you
