feedback form it would mean a great deal to hear about your experience and any constructive feedback you’d like to share related to our work together. i care deeply for each of my clients and i deeply value your time and input. thank you so much!love, erin your name * First Name Last Name what service is this feedback regarding? * 1:1 mentorship quantum shift session membership did you encounter challenges? how did you deal with them? were you able to implement the tools provided? describe your overall experience what state was your mindset/health in when we started vs. where is it now? what were your biggest wins? leave a review? * i am truly grateful for the time I spend growing with each client and love adding your reviews to my website and social media. you can choose to remain anonymous or I'm happy to add your initials, first name, or full name as well as website/social media handle (see below). some questions to help inspire thoughts: what was most helpful about working with Erin? what drew you to work with Erin? how is your life different as a result? what surprised you about our work together? what did you like the best? overall experience? thank you! any and all other feedback for erin Thank you so much for your time, I truly appreciate you!love you, erin